So what am I so frustrated about?
Have you ever gotten the feeling that you're missing something? You look, and you look, and you look some more and you just can't quite put your finger on it? So instead, you think... and you think... and you think... Much like Winnie the Pooh.
Fortunately, I'm not after the Hunny Pot that Pooh loves to think about.
I'm still not sure where I am even going with this post, but I thought that perhaps by writing something down, it might work itself out. Back to the point...
And on to the breakthrough! See? I knew it would work.
Anyone familiar with the term stagnation? Here, look it up.
OR for the ones who don't want to click...
stag·nate [stag-neyt]
verb (used without object), stag·nat·ed, stag·nat·ing.
1. to cease to run or flow, as water, air, etc.
2. to be or become stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water.
3. to stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing: My mind is stagnating from too much TV.
4. to be or become sluggish and dull: When the leading lady left, the show started to stagnate.
verb (used with object), stag·nat·ed, stag·nat·ing.
Step 1: DONE
I think what I have been feeling is this. Most of the time, I'm a happy go lucky kind of guy. You'll see me smiling, telling jokes and talking to everyone I see. Truthfully, it's exhausting. I'm an introvert, and being social tends to take a lot of my energy. The problem is, by the time I get home from work, I'm so mentally exhausted from being a forced extrovert, that I come in, sit down, eat something, and go into a near vegetative state for a couple of hours. by that time, I'm hungry, so i cook something and eat. Then, I go back into a vegetative state for another hour or so. The whole problem with this is that I spend so much time in that state, that I let things slip. Dishes, cleaning house, other goals, etc.
I set some very realistic goals this year, and I thought perhaps by giving an update, I might be able to break out of the state I am in.
Most of you guys know that I went ahead and bought the P90x3 workout sets with the goal of doing that for my exercise. Unfortunately, I have had to put that on hold for a while while I let my chest heal up. It's been inflamed for who know how long, and been hurting for well over the past month. It's finally getting to the point to where I can work without hurting, so I'm getting there. I've watched all the workouts, and I know that they are well within my range of ability, so i'm honestly looking forward to it.
I've read one of the 6 non-fictions I set out to this year. I'm currently working on a couple. Freakanomics and Bad Science. Both of them have been highly entertaining and I've managed to learn a few things from them both. If you're interested, you can get them...
Living my budget has been a bit on the difficult side. I'm making progress, but I've found that I really do spend way too much money. not much more I can say about that other than it's time to buckle down and make the changes I need to.
Fixing my credit: Well, I'm paying on a loan, and paying extra, so that will hjopefully help. I've decided that after the loan is paid, I will divert those funds to credit repair in a honest effort to fix it.
The top secret goal: Well, It's in the works!
Step 1: DONE
Step 2: DONE
Step 3: In progress
Step 4: Pending
Step 5: Pending
Step 6: Announcement to be made soonish.
So taking a few minutes to look back has actually helped! I'm feeling not so stagnant, as I look and see what I have done so far this year, and it is barely the middle of February!
Thanks for listening guys! Look for another update soon!