As most of my friends and coworkers know, I suffer from Depression and Anxiety. Normally it's not that much of a problem, and it hasn't been for a long while now, but every once in a while I have what I call a "Blue Day".
That's where I get moderatley depressed over nothing in General. Typically it happens once or twice a month and it turns out today was one of those days.
I woke up feeling fine, got to work feeling fine, sat down and realized that I've got student workers who are leaving soon that I really enjoy having around. One has left already, and the others are shortly to follow. Two are Graduating and moving on to bigger and hopefully better things in life. The others are going on Christmas break and will be back shortly afterward.
I've only known these guys (the graduating ones) for a little over a year but I'm sensing that there is going to be a hole in our deparment at work for quite some time. If you know me, I like to talk a little smack from time to time and not only can these guys take it, they are pretty darned skilled at giving it right back which is one of the reasons I enjoy going to work so much. It's gonna be hard to lose them, and I can only imagine what my Boss is going to be feeling as she has known and worked with these two for several years now.
The ones that are staying on and working with me are great. Don't get me wrong. I've felt this a few times when others have left for bigger and better things and it's something I'm going to have to get used to. Ahh Life, it stinks sometimes.
Mike and Kevin, I wish you guys the Best. Feel free to call me anytime.
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