Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cleaning Up

If you've known me very long, then you know I am not the most organized person in the world. Often, I let things go until they get out of hand, then I spent forever digging myself out of what seems like an insurmountable amount of work. Whether it be dishes, laundry, the garbage, or cleaning my room, I will be the first to tell you...

I SUCK AT CLEANING. I'm far better at maintaining until I let it slip.

Some of you may know that I have been sick with one thing or another over the past month or so. What started out at a massive ear infection, turned into sinusitis which went down into my lungs and became Bronchitis. Honestly, it wouldn't have surprised me if it had progressed further to Pneumonia had I not gotten to the doctor any sooner. Reason I say that is that my lungs have been hurting like nothing I've felt since my last tango with pneumonia several years ago. That was not a fun trip.

ANYWAY, Back to the subject. As far as cleaning goes, I'd let things slide a bit since I wasn't feeling well. as you can imagine, things began to pile up. Being a single guy, I don't really use a lot of dishes, but when you let them pile up, it becomes a huge task. They wrapped from the counter by my sink all the way around to the refrigerator. I didn't have a single clean plate, piece of silverware or cup in the house.

Last weekend, I got into a good mood, and started to clean. I got most of the dishes done, and vacuumed my hall and part of my living room. This gave me a great start for this weekend.  spent 3 solid hours today working in the kitchen wrapping up the rest of the dishes, and the rest in the living room moving all my furniture, vacuuming and cleaning as I went. The cleaner things got, the better I felt. it's kind of addicting.

I hung some art I had done, and one of my grandmothers on one of the walls. I think it looks great, and it certainly adds a bit of color to my house. I've got plans for the hallway next, but I really need to get some frames for the art that will be going there..

My next big project is my room. I have a path from my door to my bathroom and my bed. That's about as much navigating as I can do in there at the moment, but that's on my list for tomorrow!

Cleaning has been tough, but the feeling of satisfaction I've been getting as I look around at my clean house has been well worth it! Maybe I'm on to something here...

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